Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | I Will Sing of My Redeemer(BR539)(CS092).pro

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I Will Sing of My Redeemer(BR539)(CS092).pro
Orig Key: D | New Key:

Title: I Will Sing of My Redeemer(BR539)(CS092)

>{st:Misc. Gospel}

       D          A
I will sing of my Redeemer,
And His wondrous love to me;
On the cruel cross He suffered,
         A7              D
From the curse to set me free.
         G             D
Sing, oh sing, of my Redeemer,
         A                   D
With His blood, He purchased me.
       G                   D
On the cross, He sealed my pardon,
         A         A7      D
Paid the debt, and made me free.
I will tell the wondrous story,
How my lost estate to save,
In His boundless love and mercy,
He the ransom freely gave.
I will praise my dear Redeemer,
His triumphant power I?ll tell,
How the victory He giveth
Over sin, and death, and hell.
I will sing of my Redeemer,
And His heavenly love to me;
He from death to life hath brought me,
Son of God with Him to be.

Key: D